CNIG knows the importance of investing care in the community we service. It's our aim to foster an energy of prosperity and help develop positive attributes amongst our youth. We're not just interested in financial growth, this company sows seeds in the wealth of people. Our neighbourhoods need businesses who see value and success in the lives of its citizens. The Charles Newell Investment Group. LLC is exactly that type of company. More than ANYTHING we place you above all.
On March 10, we organized in Detroit employing efforts to inspire the youth. In honor of Marion Harris, CNIG spread an energy of legitimacy and opportunity amongst young men. Knowing well the obstacles within the inner city, our founder understands the duty to build bridges for positive growth while being an encouraging force which citizens may look to in confidence. The Charles Newell Investment Group cultivates relationships and seasons minds that our most vital resources are invested in properly. We invest in people, so let us create wealth in your life.
As we intend to open doors of opportunity on all levels for those with aspiring vision. Today we introduce one of the many endeavours under our umbrella of partnerships. We seek every moment to transform dreams into the reality of prosperity. Through our relationship with Faction LLC and its founder, who will be a featured speaker in our upcoming celebration of womanhood in July, we present " PROLIFIC PRISONER, Life inside a casket " to the public.
Available in both paperback and kindle ebook.
In both life and business consistency is a necessary ingredient in success. Furthermore, how you allocate resources while investing time ultimately speaks volumes to what you value most. There is no greater asset in the economy of life than our youth. Shaping the perception of future leaders today gives conception to a brighter tomorrow and a dependable presence is invaluable in that process.
On April 16 we made certain to apply ourselves in manners of consistent dependability within Detroit's community. Knowing how valuable it is to create environments where safety, harmony, and maturity are cultivated. The Charles Newell Investment Group, LLC. made a pledge to provide assurance that such an atmosphere will always be present for growth to take place.
It is our responsibility to remain acountably active in ways that impact lives positively. " These are the investments which are most essential ". CNIG is here for you!
An investment, in order to mature, has to be nurtured properly. Whether strategy, calculation, or economy (regulation of household matters; management without loss) there are no more fruitful hands than those of a mother. As the managers, guides, and preeminent investors in our lives, CNIG had to demonstrate its care for motherhood. On May 12, we displayed our gratitude by providing a financial donation for a dinner of a mother's choosing. Reciprocity is a duty we uphold, therefore work with us because your benefit is our number one priority.
CNIG's First Annual Celebrating
Womanhood was a huge success. Our efforts to honor the accomplishments of extraordinary leaders within Detroit's community was openly welcomed. The heart filled sentiments of our cofounder, acknowledgements from the wonderful hosts, and exceptional service at Andiamos combined to create a memorable event.
As it is our goal to make next years celebration even more remarkable, we'd love to hear about your opinions and experience from the day.
Charles Newell Investment Group LLC.
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